Business and Employment
Small businesses are the cornerstone of our economy. New business startups hit record levels before the most-recent economic downturn but that trend is returning. New and emerging businesses are typically built around the experience of the owner. However, many do not have the business background or knowledge to manage all aspects of a growing business effectively. Small business advocates such as the SBA consistently stress the need for obtaining sound business advice and general legal counsel from outside professionals. Entrepreneur magazine goes as far as stating, “There are two professionals every business will need early on: an accountant and a lawyer.”
With this need clearly identified, general law practitioners are clamoring to get a piece of the small business market. However, many of these lawyers have “light” expertise across several facets of business law or are highly specialized in a few key areas. Neither of these skill sets is broad enough to provide the type of service most small businesses require. Given the variety of business issues and lack of legal knowledge typical of most small business owners, it is obvious that this market requires something different – a combination of strong business direction and accurate legal advice.
At Wright Legal Services, PLLC we recognized that dynamic several years ago and developed a simple concept that has benefitted hundreds of small businesses and small business owners; we are not just business lawyers, but work with our clients to become in-house attorneys. We get involved earlier in our clients’ planning efforts so that we understand, and maybe even help develop, the strategy behind a business need instead of waiting for the phone call from the client and getting involved just a few days before a deadline.
Our in-house approach to working with our business clients enables the lawyers at WLS to help client avoid costly mistakes in their planning by helping them learn from the mistakes, or successes, of other clients.
The concept of a “General Counsel for Small Business” fits an identified need and makes WLS different from other business lawyers. The concept expands the definition of a general business lawyer into a more involved role by being an off-site, non-salaried extension of the business. Clients with WLS get the benefit of an in-house approach without the cost of an in house lawyer.
So whether a client’s needs are straight forward and include simple matters such as how to file an annual report with the Secretary of State’s office or more complex; such as how a business should protect its brand or how to collect from customers that refuse to pay an invoice. WLS has developed cost-effective solutions to help each client with those specific needs. With their unique blend of education and experience dedicated to small business profitability, the lawyers at WLS find creative and cost-effective solutions to help clients develop business or strategic plans, improve their IT infrastructure, enhance business development activities, pursue more effective financing alternatives and/or formulate more effective cash management strategies.
Call 970.270.1213 or email us at to set up a time to meet with one of our lawyers and get started on the path to greater success today!